Jawan is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language action thriller film co-written and directed by Atlee, in his first Hindi film. A man is driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society while keeping a promise made years ago. He comes up against a monstrous outlaw with no fear, who’s caused extreme suffering to […]
‘Little Mermaid’ Premiere in Live-Action Creates Buzz at The Box Office
Over the Memorial Day weekend in the United States, Disney’s live-action version of “The Little Mermaid” took first place at North American box offices, according to industry watcher Exhibitor Relations. Disney’s live-action version of โThe Little Mermaidโ netted the top spot at North American box offices on its opening weekend, over the United States’ Memorial […]
Prabhas-Deepika’s science fiction thriller
Bahubali celebrity Prabhas is returning to action. He will be seen in a science fiction mystery inside the close to future, the call of which has now not been finalized but. However, it’s far called ‘assignment k’. Enjoyment primarily based Bollywood bubble news, Deepika Padukone is the heroine of Prabhas in this film. Famous person […]