First of all I want to say that english is international language. If we want to learn this, so we should know about this language. Most important thing is we are interested to know about english or not. After that must have to take knowledge and more practice daily. Without practice we can’t improve. Simply make conversation will make it proper way learn. Day by day it will increase and without hesitation we should speak. Most of the people think about it and take depression. Their question is like that- to learn english?
2.How to get fluency?
3.With grammar or without grammar? many word meaning need to know for speaking?
5.which accent we should follow? to get fluency? to improve our english speaking?
The thing is this type of question generally. At first need to confidently speak and start to make conversation with friends.By the way, If you build up yourself about english speaking, so read more and more, record your voice few days, after that you able to see your improvement automatically. When you start to speak, you can speak without grammar, gradually you can follow grammar.Word meaning is also main thing. Which is daily use you should know that.Another part is accent, you can choose one thing which one you comfortable. I think british accent is better. If you daily show your activities with your english speaking partner and day by day it will effective, it will be improve and able to get fluency.Thus you can improve your english speaking.