1. The qualities and skills that a person requires to become successful in today’s world cannot be learnt at a university or any other academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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In the contemporary landscape, the acquisition of qualities and skills pivotal for success is a topic of considerable debate. While some argue that universities and academic institutions are insufficient in imparting these attributes, I am inclined to disagree. In my view, while universities may not be exhaustive in their approach, they undeniably play a crucial role in equipping individuals with a foundational framework essential for success.

On the one hand, critics posit that the conventional education system falls short in providing practical skills necessary for real-world scenarios. Soft skills such as effective communication, adaptability, and interpersonal acumen, deemed vital in professional environments, are often perceived to be neglected in the curricula of many traditional academic institutions. This perspective contends that individuals solely relying on formal education might find themselves ill-prepared for the dynamic challenges posed by contemporary workplaces.

However, my stance is rooted in the belief that universities serve as indispensable crucibles for intellectual development and critical thinking. While it is true that certain practical skills might not be explicitly taught, the overarching aim of academia is to cultivate a mindset that fosters analytical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Moreover, the exposure to a diverse range of subjects and ideas within university settings enhances one’s adaptability and broadens their understanding of the world, which are quintessential components of success in the globalized era.

Furthermore, the statistical evidence underscores the positive correlation between academic education and success. For instance, a substantial number of the world’s wealthiest individuals, as reported by Forbes, have either attended or completed higher education. This correlation suggests that the knowledge and skills acquired in academic institutions contribute significantly to one’s trajectory toward success.

In conclusion, while it is acknowledged that universities may not cover every facet of skills required for success, their role in nurturing intellectual abilities, fostering adaptability, and providing a structured foundation cannot be overstated. Success in the contemporary world is a multifaceted journey that benefits from a combination of academic knowledge and practical skills, with universities serving as crucial catalysts in this holistic development.

2. Many people believe that family has a greater influence on a child’s life and development than other factors, such as friends, TV, music, and so on. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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In contemporary society, the impact of various factors on a child’s life and development is a subject of considerable debate. While some argue that family exerts the most significant influence, others contend that external factors such as friends, TV, music, and other environmental elements play an equally pivotal role. In my opinion, both perspectives hold merit, and the extent of influence depends on the unique circumstances surrounding each individual.

Proponents of the notion that family holds the paramount influence on a child’s life emphasize the pivotal role played by parents and siblings in shaping a child’s values, behaviors, and overall personality. The family unit serves as the primary socializing agent during a child’s formative years, providing emotional support, guidance, and a framework for moral development. Furthermore, the familial environment significantly contributes to the cultivation of essential life skills and values that form the foundation for a child’s future endeavors.

On the contrary, those advocating for the impact of external factors contend that a child’s social circle, media consumption, and cultural exposure contribute substantially to their cognitive and emotional development. Friends, as influential companions, can introduce diverse perspectives, fostering social skills and broadening a child’s worldview. Moreover, the prevalent influence of television, music, and other media can expose children to a wide array of ideas, cultures, and experiences, influencing their cognitive development and shaping their preferences.

In conclusion, the relative importance of family versus external factors in a child’s life is a nuanced and multifaceted issue. While the family undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s character, friends, TV, music, and other external elements also contribute significantly to their development. It is imperative to recognize the interconnectedness of these influences and consider the unique dynamics of each individual’s upbringing. Ultimately, a balanced approach that acknowledges the collective impact of both family and external factors provides a more comprehensive understanding of a child’s developmental journey.

3. Public celebrations (such as national days, festivals, etc) are held in most countries. These are often quite expensive and some people say that government should spend money on more useful things. Do you agree or disagree?

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In the contemporary landscape, public celebrations, encompassing events like national days and festivals, are widespread, constituting an integral part of a nation’s cultural identity. However, the cost associated with these festivities has sparked a contentious debate, with some asserting that governmental funds could be allocated more judiciously to address pressing societal needs. This essay contends that while public celebrations are culturally enriching, there is merit in advocating for a more discerning allocation of resources toward essential services.

On one hand, public celebrations hold undeniable cultural significance, serving as vital avenues for fostering national unity and collective pride. These events often symbolize historical milestones, offering citizens an opportunity to reflect on shared values and heritage. The festive atmosphere promotes social cohesion, contributing to a sense of community and belonging among the populace. From a cultural perspective, public celebrations play a pivotal role in preserving and transmitting a nation’s identity to future generations.

On the other hand, critics argue that the substantial financial investment in public celebrations could be redirected to address more immediate and tangible societal needs. Essential sectors such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure often face budgetary constraints, and diverting funds from elaborate festivities could potentially alleviate these pressing concerns. In times of economic challenges, there is a growing call for governments to prioritize practical, utilitarian expenditures that directly benefit the well-being and development of the population.

Despite the merit of both perspectives, a nuanced approach is warranted. Governments should strive to strike a balance between preserving cultural heritage and responsibly managing financial resources. Rather than curtailing public celebrations entirely, authorities could explore cost-effective alternatives and employ transparent budgeting mechanisms. Furthermore, fostering public-private partnerships could be instrumental in sharing the financial burden, allowing for meaningful celebrations without unduly straining public coffers.

In conclusion, while public celebrations undeniably contribute to a nation’s cultural vitality, there is validity in the argument advocating for a more prudent use of governmental funds. Striking a harmonious balance between cultural enrichment and essential service provision is paramount. Governments should undertake thoughtful considerations and adopt measures to ensure that public celebrations coexist harmoniously with the imperative to address pressing societal needs. This approach will not only preserve cultural heritage but also reflect a responsible stewardship of public resources.

4. Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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In recent years, the correlation between a nation’s average working time and its economic success has been a subject of considerable debate. Some argue that countries with longer working hours tend to be more economically prosperous, while others contend that a shorter working time is conducive to success. This essay will explore both perspectives and present a reasoned conclusion.

On the one hand, proponents of the idea that longer working hours lead to economic success argue that a diligent and industrious workforce is essential for a nation’s economic growth. They posit that extended working hours can result in increased productivity, as more time spent on tasks can lead to greater output. Additionally, a strong work ethic may attract foreign investments, fostering economic development. Countries such as Japan and South Korea, known for their rigorous work schedules, are often cited as examples of this correlation.

On the other hand, critics argue that the quality of work is more important than the quantity of hours spent working. They contend that overworking employees can lead to burnout, diminishing productivity and creativity. Furthermore, a focus on work-life balance is seen as crucial for employee well-being, job satisfaction, and overall societal happiness. Countries like Sweden and Denmark, with shorter working hours and strong social welfare systems, are often held up as examples of this alternative approach.

In my opinion, while longer working hours may contribute to economic success in some cases, it is not the sole determinant. The quality of work, innovation, and the well-being of the workforce are equally vital factors. Striking a balance between productivity and employee satisfaction is crucial for sustained economic growth. A nation that values both hard work and the welfare of its citizens is likely to achieve long-term success.

In conclusion, the relationship between a country’s average working time and its economic success is complex. While some argue that longer working hours contribute to prosperity, others emphasize the importance of quality of work and employee well-being. Ultimately, achieving a harmonious balance between diligence and a supportive work environment is likely to be the key to sustainable economic success.

5. Some believe it’s acceptable for professional athletes to exhibit inappropriate behavior, whether on or off the field, as long as their performance is exceptional. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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In contemporary society, there exists a contentious perspective that deems it permissible for professional athletes to display inappropriate behavior, both on and off the field, as long as their athletic performance remains exceptional. This viewpoint raises critical questions about the moral standards expected from public figures and the extent to which prowess in sports should serve as a shield against scrutiny. This essay will analyze the implications of condoning such behavior, examining the potential consequences for the athletes themselves, their fans, and the broader societal values.

On one hand, proponents of this viewpoint argue that exceptional athletic performance should be the paramount criterion for evaluating professional athletes. According to this perspective, the sporting arena is primarily an entertainment industry where spectators and enthusiasts seek riveting displays of skill and athleticism. Consequently, as long as an athlete delivers unparalleled results, their off-field conduct should be considered secondary, if not irrelevant. This line of reasoning suggests that society should separate an athlete’s professional achievements from their personal choices, fostering a more lenient attitude towards instances of inappropriate behavior.

However, this leniency may have detrimental consequences for various stakeholders. Firstly, tolerating inappropriate behavior from athletes could undermine the role of sports as a positive influence on society, particularly for younger generations who often idolize these figures. The normalisation of misconduct may erode the moral fabric of society, as individuals in influential positions are perceived to be exempt from ethical standards. Moreover, allowing such behavior might jeopardize the well-being of athletes themselves, as it could contribute to a culture of entitlement and impunity, potentially leading to a decline in personal responsibility and discipline.

From a different perspective, maintaining high moral standards for professional athletes is essential, irrespective of their on-field prowess. The argument here is that these athletes serve as role models for countless individuals and, consequently, bear a responsibility to embody values that contribute positively to society. Holding athletes accountable for their actions off the field reinforces the idea that excellence in sports should not be divorced from fundamental ethical principles.

In conclusion, the question of whether it is acceptable for professional athletes to exhibit inappropriate behavior while maintaining exceptional performance is a complex and multifaceted issue. While some argue that prowess in sports should take precedence over personal conduct, others stress the importance of upholding moral standards for public figures. Striking a balance between recognizing athletic achievement and promoting ethical behavior remains a challenging task, demanding thoughtful consideration of the consequences for individuals, fans, and societal values at large.

6. Some people believe that with the widespread accessibility of information on the Internet, there’s no need to acquire knowledge about historical or scientific facts. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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In the contemporary era, the ubiquity of internet access has ignited discussions about the relevance of acquiring conventional knowledge in areas such as history and science. This essay explores the extent to which the accessibility of information on the internet diminishes the imperative of traditional knowledge acquisition.

On one side of the argument, advocates contend that the internet’s vast informational reservoir renders the acquisition of historical or scientific facts through traditional means unnecessary. They argue that the convenience and immediacy offered by online resources empower individuals to swiftly obtain information, thereby challenging the need for rote learning. Additionally, proponents assert that the interactive nature of internet-based platforms enhances the learning experience, making it more engaging and tailored to individual preferences.

Conversely, a more nuanced perspective underscores the potential drawbacks of relying solely on internet-based information. The credibility of online sources varies widely, posing challenges in discerning accurate information from misinformation. Furthermore, the internet tends to prioritize contemporary content, potentially neglecting the depth and context crucial for a comprehensive understanding of historical and scientific subjects.

In my opinion, a balanced approach is imperative, acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between internet accessibility and traditional knowledge acquisition. While the internet provides expeditious access to a plethora of information, traditional education remains indispensable in fostering critical thinking skills and ensuring the reliability of information. Educational institutions, with their structured curricula and peer-reviewed resources, play a pivotal role in imparting a systematic and validated approach to learning.

In conclusion, the assertion that widespread internet accessibility negates the necessity of acquiring knowledge through traditional means oversimplifies the complexities of education. Striking a harmonious balance between online resources and traditional education is essential for cultivating a well-rounded understanding of historical and scientific facts. This approach not only facilitates efficient information retrieval but also nurtures the cognitive skills vital for critical analysis and informed decision-making.


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